1975年生,教授、博士生导师,亿博电竞平台官网入口副院长。1998年本科毕业于湖北农学院(现长江大学农学院)农学专业,2001年研究生毕业于南京农业大学植物保护专业,2007年博士毕业于中国科学院动物研究所生态学专业。2007~2009年在美国康奈尔大学昆虫学系作博士后研究,2010年就职于亿博电竞平台官网入口。2016~2017年在美国加州大学(尔湾分校)生物化学与分子生物学系访问。现任亿博电竞平台官网入口副院长、广东省动物学会理事。一直从事分子生物学方面的教学和科研工作。主编《分子生物学实验技术:基础与拓展》(2017年,科学出版社)、《分子生物学》(拟2024年,科学出版社),建成2门广东省一流课程:《分子生物学》、《转基因:机遇与挑战》。先后主持5项国家自然科学基金项目和多项广东省及广州市基金,以第一作者(或并列第一作者)和通讯作者在Nature Ecology & Evolution、Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology等高质量刊物上发表30多篇论文。研究生招生方向:1. 071010生物化学与分子生物学(学术型硕士、博士);2. 071002动物学(学术型硕士);3. 086000生物与医药:生物技术与工程(专业硕士);4. 045107学科教学(生物)(专业硕士)
1. Cheng, T.#, Wu, J. #, Wu, Y. #, Chilukuri, R,V. #, Huang, L. #, Yamamoto, K. #, Feng, L. #, Li, W. #, Chen, Z., Guo, H., Liu, J., Li, S., Wang, X., Peng, L., Liu, D., Guo, Y., Fu, B., Li, Z., Liu, C., Chen, Y., Tomar, A., Hilliou, F., Montagné, N., Jacquin-Joly, E., d'Alençon, E., Seth, R.K., Bhatnagar, R.K., Jouraku, A., Shiotsuki, T., Kadono-Okuda, K., Promboon, A., Smagghe, G., Arunkumar, K.P.*, Kishino, H. *, Goldsmith, M.R., Feng, Q. *, Xia, Q. *, Mita, K. * 2017.Genomic adaptation to polyphagy and insecticides in a major East Asian noctuid pest. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1(11): 1747-1756.
2. Gu, J., Ye, Y., Zheng, Z.W., Luo, W., Gong, Y.J., Feng, Q.L., Li, S., Huang, L.H*. 2023. Cytoplasmic Hsp70s promote EcR transport into the nucleus by responding to various stimuli. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 157: 103964.
3. Gu, J., Huang, L.X., Gong, Y.J., Zheng, S.C., Liu, L., Huang, L.H*., Feng, Q.L. 2013. De novo characterization of transcriptome and gene expression dynamics in epidermis during the larval-pupal metamorphosis of common cutworm. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 43(9): 794-808.
4. Zhang X, Wang QR, Wu Q, Gu J, Huang LH*. 2023. Cytoplasmic FKBPs are involved in molting and metamorphosis through regulating the nuclear localization of EcR. Insect Sci. doi: 10.1111/1744-7917.13278.
5. Luo, W., Huang L.X., Qin S.K., Zhang, X., Feng Q.L., Gu J., Huang L.H*. 2020. Multiple microRNA control ecdysone signaling in the midgut of Spodotera litura. Insect Science, 27(6):1208-1223.
6. Feng, X.B., Zheng, Z.W., Zhang, X., Gu, J.,Feng, Q.L., Huang, L.H*. 2019. Discovering genes responsible for silk synthesis in Bombyx mori by piggyBac-based random insertional mutagenesis. Insect Science, 26(5):821-830.
7. Tong, X.W., Chen, B., Huang, L.H.*, Feng, Q.L., Kang, L*. 2015. Proteomic analysis reveals that COP9 signalosome complex subunit 7A (CSN7A) is essential for the phase transition of migratory locust. Scientific Reports. 5:12542
8. Hu, D., Luo, W., Fan, L.F., Liu, F.L., Gu, J., Deng, H.M., Zhang, C., Huang, L.H.*, Feng, Q.L. Dynamics and regulation of glycolysis-tricarboxylic acid metabolism in the midgut of Spodoptera litura during metamorphosis. 2016, Insect Molecular Biology, 25(2):153-162.
9. Shen, Y., Gong, Y.J., Gu, J., Huang, L.H.*, Feng. Q.L. Physiological effect of mild thermal stress and its induction of gene expression in the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura. 2014, J. Insect Physiol. 61: 34-41.
10. Gu, J., Huang, L.X., Shen, Y., Huang, L.H.*, Feng, Q.L. Hsp70 and small Hsps are the major heat shock protein members involved in midgut metamorphosis in the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura. 2012, Insect Molecular Biology 21(5): 535-543.
11. 黄立华,江健钊,李梓钊,冯兴暴. 一种基于PCR-RFLP快速鉴定草地贪夜蛾的方法. 专利号:ZL202010173585.2, 授权公告日:2023.3.21 专利权人:亿博电竞平台官网入口
12. 谷峻; 冯兴暴;邓莲念;李时宇;杨振文;黄立华. 水孔蛋白在调控蚕丝产量和_或品质中的应用, 专利号:ZL 2022 1 0960224.1, 授权公告日:2023.7.28 专利权人:岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室、亿博电竞平台官网入口
13. 谷峻; 冯兴暴; 邓莲念; 李时宇; 杨振文; 黄立华. 谷氨酰氨肽酶在害虫防治中的应用. 专利号:ZL 2022 1 0960254.2, 授权公告日:2023.8.18 专利权人:岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室、亿博电竞平台官网入口
14. 黄立华#,王亚琴,梁山,邓惠敏,谷峻,张晓娟. 分子生物学实验技术——基础与拓展. 2017, 北京:科学出版社.
15. 黄立华主编,分子生物学. 2024. 北京:科学出版社.