


  • 性别:男
  • 职称:教授
  • 学历:博士
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李金天,广东茂名人,博士,教授,博士生导师,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金获得者。20086月毕业于中山大学,获环境科学博士学位;20087月留校工作(博士后),历任讲师、副教授和教授。20199月调入亿博电竞平台官网入口工作。迄今,以第一或(含共同)通讯作者身份在Nature CommunicationsBiological ReviewsThe ISME JournalMicrobiomeEcology LettersGlobal Change BiologyCritical Reviews in Environmental Science & TechnologyEnvironmental Science & TechnologySoil Biology & BiochemistryJournal of Applied Ecology等国际知名学术期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,其中以第一作者身份发表在Journal of Applied Ecology的文章被该期刊选为Editor’s Choice Paper;以通讯作者身份发表在Journal of Applied Ecology的文章被该期刊选为年度最佳文章(英国生态学会Southwood Prize获奖文章)。主持国家重点研发计划项目课题、国家自然科学基金(优秀青年基金、面上项目、青年基金)、国际科学基金(International Foundation for Science)、广州市珠江科技新星专项计划项目、霍英东基金、教育部博士点基金、广东省自然科学基金以及中国博士后科学基金等国家及省部级科研项目10余项。出版学术专著一部(《有色金属矿山尾矿库生态修复》,国家出版基金资助项目,科学出版社,2021年),参编《土壤生物学》(高等教育出版社,2023年)和《土壤复垦学》(中国农业出版社,2017年)两部教材。指导学生获得第九届全国大学生生命科学竞赛(科学探索类)全国一等奖。作为第二完成人获得2019年度广东省科学技术进步奖一等奖。

1、矿业废弃地的生态修复 2、土壤重金属污染与修复 3、环境微生物的多样性与功能
1、《生态学》,本科生,必修课 2、《环境生物学》,本科生,选修课 3、《生态学研究方法》,研究生,必修课
1、国家自然科学基金面上项目“矿业废弃地巨病毒的多样性、潜在宿主及生态功能研究”(项目主持,批准号32470001,2025-2028) 2、国家重点研发计划项目课题“矿区源头抑硫氧化减酸的生态重构技术”(课题主持,课题编号2023YFC3207302,2023-2027) 3、国家自然科学基金面上项目“真菌在华南地区重金属尾矿酸化中的作用及酸化机理研究”(项目主持,批准号42077117,2021-2024) 4、国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目“土壤重金属污染与修复”(项目主持,批准号41622106,2017-2019) 5、广东省重点研发计划项目课题“金属矿山采矿面及剥离土直接植被技术”(课题负责人,项目批准号2019B110207001,2019-2022) 6、国家重点研发项目子课题“镉、砷超富集植物优良生态型筛选”(子课题负责人,项目批准号2017YFD0800900,2017-2020) 7、国家自然科学基金面上项目“物种多样性在重金属尾矿生态恢复中的作用与机制”(项目主持,批准号41471257,2015-2018) 8、广州市“珠江科技新星”专项计划项目“物种多样性在重金属尾矿生态恢复中的作用及其机制”(项目主持,批准号2014J2200100,2014-2017) 9、霍英东基金“重金属污染土壤或地下水生态修复强化技术”(项目主持,批准号142025,2014-2016) 10、国家自然科学基金青年基金“酸性矿山废水混合菌群与重金属污染土壤的植物修复”(项目主持,批准号31100372,2012-2014) 11、教育部博士点基金“嗜酸氧化硫硫杆菌对污染土壤中重金属硫化物的生物氧化作用与植物修复”(项目主持,批准号20110171120042,2012-2014) 12、广东省自然科学基金“铁硫氧化细菌对重金属硫化物氧化还原的调控与植物修复”(项目主持,批准号10451027501005629,2010-2012) 13、国际科学基金(International Foundation for Science)“Phytoextraction of Cd-contaminated soil in southern China by carambola”(项目主持,批准号C/4785,2010-2011) 14、中国博士后科学基金“杨桃与Cd污染土壤的修复及其根际效应”(项目主持,批准号20080440793,2009-2010)

论文专著(*Corresponding author…Co-first authors)

1. Yi, X.Z.…, Liang, J.L.…, Wen, P., Jia, P., Feng, S.W., Liu S.Y., Zhuang, Y.Y., Guo, Y.Q., Lu, J.L., Zhong, S.J., Liao, B., Wang, Z., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2024. Giant viruses as reservoirs of antibiotic resistance genes. Nature Communications, 15, 7536.

2. Liang, J.L., Feng, S.W., Lu, J.L., Wang, X.N., Li, F.L., Guo, Y.Q., Liu, S.Y., Zhuang, Y.Y., Zhong, S.J., Zheng, J., Wen, P., Yi, X.Z., Jia, P., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2024. Hidden diversity and potential ecological function of phosphorus acquisition genes in widespread terrestrial bacteriophages. Nature Communications, 15, 2827.

3. Liang, J.L.…, Feng, S.W.…, Jia, P., Lu, J.L., Yi, X., Gao, S.M., Wu. Z.H., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2024. Unraveling the habitat preferences, ecological drivers, potential hosts, and auxiliary metabolism of soil giant viruses across China. Microbiome, 12, 136.

4. Jia, P.…, Liang, J.L.…, Lu, J.L., Zhong, S.J., Xiong, T., Feng, S.W., Wang, Y.T., Wu, Z.H., Yi, X.Z., Gao, S.M., Zheng, J., Wen, P., Li, F.L., Li, Y.Y., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2024. Soil keystone viruses are regulators of ecosystem multifunctionality. Environment International, 108964.

5. Gao, S.M.…, Wang, P.D.…, Li, Q.…, Shu, W.S., Tang, L.Y., Lin, Z.L., Li, J.T.*, Huang, L.N.*, 2024. Deciphering microbial metabolic interactions and their implications for community dynamics in acid mine drainage sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 135478.

6. Wu, Z.H., Li, F.L., Wang, F.F., Jin, R.Z., Li, Y.Y, Li, S.L., Zhou, Z., Jia, P.*, Li, J.T., 2024. A synthetic bacterial consortium improved the phytoremediation efficiency of ryegrass on polymetallic contaminated soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 282, 116691.

7. Li, Y.W., Chen, H.W., Gu, L., Wu, J.W., Zheng, X.T., Fan, Z.L., Pan, D.J., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S., Rosendahl, S., Wang, Y.T.*, 2024. Domestication of rice may have changed its arbuscular mycorrhizal properties by modifying phosphorus nutritionrelated traits and decreasing symbiotic compatibility. New Phytologist, 243 (4), 1554-1570.

8. Yi, X.Z.…, Wen, P.…, Liang, J.L., Jia, P., Yang, T.T., Feng, S.W., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2023. Phytostabilization mitigates antibiotic resistance gene enrichment in a copper mine tailings pond. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 443, 130255.

9. Zheng, J.…, Liang, J.L.…, Jia, P., Feng, S.W., Lu, J.L., Luo, Z.H., Ai, H.X., Liao, B., Li, J.T.*, Shu, W.S.*, 2023. Diverse methylmercury (MeHg) producers and degraders inhabit acid mine drainage sediments, but few taxa correlate with MeHg accumulation. mSystems, 8 (1), e00736-22.

10. Wu, Z.H.…, Yang, X.D.…, Huang, L.Y., Li, S.L., Xia, F.Y., Qiu, Y.Z., Yi, X.Z., Jia, P., Liao, B., Liang, J.L.*, Shu, W.S., Li, J.T., 2023. In situ enrichment of sulphate-reducing microbial communities with different carbon sources stimulating the acid mine drainage sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 898, 165584.

11. Feng, S.W., Lu, J.L., Liang, J.L., Wu, Z.H., Yi, X.Z., Wen, P., Li, F.L., Liao, B., Jia, P.*, Shu, W.S., Li, J.T., 2023. Functional guilds, community assembly, and co-occurrence patterns of fungi in metalliferous mine tailings ponds in mainland China. Microbial Ecology, 86, 843-858.

12. Cheng, Y.Z., Bu, X., Li, J., Ji, Z.H., Wang, C.G., Xiao, X., Li, F.L., Wu, Z.H., Wu, G.X., Jia, P.*, Li, J.T., 2023. Application of biochar and compost improved soil properties and enhanced plant growth in a Pb-Zn mine tailings soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30 (12), 32337-32347.

13. Wang, M.M.…, Wang, X.N.…, Zhou, S.N., Chen, Z.F., Chen, M.Y., Feng, S.W., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S., Cao, B.C.*, 2023. Strong succession in prokaryotic association networks and community assembly mechanisms in an acid mine drainage-impacted riverine ecosystem. Water Research, 243, 120343.

14. Zhang, X.L.…, Liu, Y.X.…, Zhou, Q.X.*, Bai, Y.G., Li, R.X., Li, T.*, Li, J.T., Alessi, D.S., Konhauser, K.O., 2023. Exogenous electroactive microbes regulate soil geochemical properties and microbial communities by enhancing the reduction and transformation of Fe(III) minerals. Environmental Science & Technology, 57, 7743-7752.

15. Lu, Z., Li, H., Sayer, E.J., Liu, Z.F., Li, L.H., Chen, Y., Qin, G.M., Li, J.T., Zhou, J.G., Huang, X.Y., Zhang, J.F., Wu, J.T., Thapa, P, Wang, F.M.*, 2023. Enhanced abundance of generalist and litter saprotrophs explain increased tropical forest soil carbon with long-term nitrogen deposition. Functional Ecology, 37, 2282-2296.

16. Jia, P.…, Li, F.L.…, Zhang, S.C., Wu, G.X., Wang, Y.T.*, Li, J.T., 2022. Microbial community composition in the rhizosphere of Pteris vittata and its effects on arsenic phytoremediation under a natural arsenic contamination gradient. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, 989272.

17. Yi, X.Z.…, Liang, J.L.…, Su, J.Q., Jia, P., Lu, J.L., Zheng, J., Wang, Z., Feng, S.W., Luo, Z.H., Ai, H.X., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, Zhu, Y.G., 2022. Globally distributed mining-impacted environments are underexplored hotspots of multidrug resistance genes. The ISME Journal, 16, 2099-2113.

18. Li, J.T.…, Jia, P.…, Wang, X.J., Ou, S.N., Yang, T.T., Feng, S.W., Lu, J.L., Fang, Z., Liu, J., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Liang, J.L.*, 2022. Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic insights into sulfate-reducing bacteria in a revegetated acidic mine wasteland. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 8, 71.

19. Lu, J.L.…, Jia, P.…, Feng, S.W., Wang, Y.T., Zheng, J., Ou, S.N., Wu, Z.H., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Liang, J.L.*, Li, J. T.*, 2022. Remarkable effects of microbial factors on soil phosphorus bioavailability: a country‐scale study. Global Change Biology, 28, 4459-4471.

20. Li, S.P., Jia, P., Fan, S.Y., Wu, Y., Liu, X., Meng, Y., Li, Y., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, Jiang, L.*, 2022. Functional traits explain the consistent resistance of biodiversity to plant invasion under nitrogen enrichment. Ecology Letters, 25 (4), 778-789.

21. Gao, S.M., Paez-Espino, D., Li, J.T., Ai, H.X., Liang, J.L., Luo, Z.H., Zheng, J., Chen, H., Shu, W.S., Huang, L.N.*, 2022. Patterns and ecological drivers of viral communities in acid mine drainage sediments across Southern China. Nature Communications, 13, 2389.

22. Li, X.R., Liang, X.L., He, H.P.*, Li, J.T., Ma, L.Y., Tan, W., Zhong, Y., Zhu, J.X., Zhou, M.F., Dong, H.L., 2022. Microorganisms accelerate REE mineralization in supergene environments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 88 (13), e00632-22.

23. Wu, J.W.…, Liang, J.L.…, Björn, L.O., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S., Wang, Y.T.*, 2022. Phosphorus-arsenic interaction in the ‘soil-plant-microbe’ system and its influence on arsenic pollution. Science of the Total Environment, 802, 149796.

24. Li, J.T., Lu, J.L., Wang, H.Y., Fang, Z., Wang, X.J., Feng, S.W., Wang, Z., Yuan, T., Zhang, S.C., Ou, S.N., Yang, X.D., Wu, Z.H., Du, X.D., Tang, L.Y., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Jia, P.*, Liang, J.L.*, 2021. A comprehensive synthesis unveils the mysteries of phosphate-solubilizing microbes. Biological Reviews, 96 (6), 2771-2793.

25. Ou, S.N.…, Liang, J.L.…, Jiang, X.M., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Jia, P.*, Li, J.L., 2021. Physiological, genomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal the adaptation mechanisms of Acidiella bohemica to extreme acid mine drainage environments. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 705839.

26. Liang, J.L.…, Liu, J.…, Jia, P.…, Yang, T.T., Zeng, Q.W., Zhang, S.C., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2020. Novel phosphate-solubilizing bacteria enhance soil phosphorus cycling following ecological restoration of land degraded by mining. The ISME Journal, 14, 1600-1613. (入选The ISME Journal 2020 Best Paper Award 20篇候选文章: https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=15da1c53170cfab0e8fe26a5bcef5277)

27. Jia, P.…, Liang, J.L.…, Yang, S.X., Zhang, S.C., Liu, J., Liang, Z.W., Li, F.M., Zeng, Q.W., Fang, Z., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Cadotte, M.W.*, Li, J.T.*, 2020. Plant diversity enhances the reclamation of degraded lands by stimulating plant-soil feedbacks. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57, 1258-1270. (英国生态学会Southwood Prize获奖文章: https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=42d1f3f83666161a90ae6f8ca5db1717)

28. Zhou, W.H.…, Wang, Y.T.…, Lian, Z.H., Yang, T.T., Zeng, Q.W., Feng, S.W., Fang, Z., Shu, W.S., Huang, L.N., Ye, Z.H., Liao, B.*, Li, J.T.*, 2020. Revegetation approach and plant identity unequally affect structure, ecological network and function of soil microbial community in a highly acidified mine tailings pond. Science of the Total Environment, 744, 140793.

29. Liang, J.L.…, Liu, J.…, Yang, T.T., Wang, P.D., Zhang, S.C., Jia, P., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2020. Contrasting soil fungal communities at different habitats in a revegetated copper mine wasteland. Soil Ecology Letters, 2 (1), 8-19.

30. Zhang, K., Zhang, Y.L.*, Ouyang, X., Li, J.P., Liao, J.J., You, A., Yue, X., Xie, G.J., Liang, J.L., Li, J.T.*, 2020. Genome-centered metagenomics analysis reveals the microbial interactions of a syntrophic consortium during methane generation in a decentralized wastewater treatment system. Applied Sciences, 10, 135.

31. Tan, S.…, Liu, J.…, Fang, Y.…, Hedlund, B.P., Lian, Z.H., Huang, L.Y., Li, J.T., Huang, L.N., Li, W.J., Jiang, H.C., Dong, H.L.*, Shu, W.S.*, 2019. Insights into ecological role of a new deltaproteobacterial order Candidatus Acidulodesulfobacterales by metagenomics and metatranscriptomics. The ISME Journal, 13, 2044-2057.

32. Shu, H.Y., Zhang, J., Liu, F.Y., Bian, C., Liang, J.L., Liang, J.Q., Liang, W.H., Lin, Z.L., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T., Shi, Q.*, Liao, B.*, 2019. Comparative transcriptomic studies on a cadmium hyperaccumulator Viola baoshanensis and its non-tolerant counterpart V. inconspicua. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 1906.

33. Yang, S.X., Liao, B., Xiao, R.B.*, Li, J.T.*, 2019. Effects of amendments on soil microbial diversity, enzyme activity and nutrient accumulation after assisted phytostabilization of an extremely acidic metalliferous mine soil. Applied Sciences, 9, 1552.

34. Li, J.T., Gurajala, H.K., Wu, L.H., van der Ent, A., Qiu, R.L., Baker, A.J.M., Tang, Y.T., Yang, X.E.*, Shu, W.S.*, 2018. Hyperaccumulator plants from China: a synthesis of the current state of knowledge. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (21), 11980-11994.

35. Liang, J.L., Zhou, W.H., Gao, S.M., Yu, W.P., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2018. A simple slash-and-char system to mitigate climate change and environmental pollution. Environmental Pollution, 242, 1904-1911.

36. Liang, Z.W., Hua, Z.S., Jia, P., Liu, J., Luo, Z.H., Chen, W.C., Kuang, J.L., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2018. Strong associations between biogeochemical factors and Sb species in sediments of the world’s largest Sb mine (Xikuangshan) in China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123, 1548-1556.

37. Li, Z.Y., Yang, S.X., Peng, X.Z., Li, F.M., Liu, J., Shu, H.Y., Lian, Z.H., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2018. Field comparison of the effectiveness of agricultural and nonagricultural organic wastes for aided phytostabilization of a Pb-Zn mine tailings pond in Hunan Province, China. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 20 (12), 1264-1273.

38. Yang, T.T.…, Liu, J.…, Chen, W.C., Chen, X., Shu, H.Y., Jia, P., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2017. Changes in microbial community composition following phytostabilization of an extremely acidic Cu mine tailings. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 114, 52-58.

39. Li, J.T., Liang, Z.W., Jia, P., Liu, J., Xu, Y.J., Chen, Y.J., Shu, H.Y., Kuang, J.L., Liao, B., Shu, W.S.*, 2017. Effects of a bacterial consortium from acid mine drainage on cadmium phytoextraction and indigenous soil microbial community. Plant and Soil, 415, 347-358.

40. Cadotte, M.W.*, Livingstone, S.W., Yasui, S.L.E., Dinnage, R., Li, J.T., Marushia, R., Santangelo, J., Shu, W.S. 2017. Explaining ecosystem multifunction with evolutionary models. Ecology, 98 (12), 3175-3187.

41. Chen, Y.J.…, Kuang, J.L.…, Jia, P.…, Cadotte, M.W., Huang, L.N., Li, J.T., Liao, B., Wang, P.D., Shu, W.S.*, 2017. Effect of environmental variation on estimating the bacterial species richness. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 690.

42. Yang, S.X., Liao, B., Yang, Z.H., Chai, L.Y., Li, J.T.*, 2016. Revegetation of extremely acid mine soils based on aided phytostabilization: a case study from southern China. Science of the Total Environment, 562, 427-434.

43. Kuang, J.L., Huang, L.N., He, Z.L., Chen, L.X., Hua, Z.S., Jia, P., Li, S.J., Liu, J., Li, J.T., Zhou, J.Z., Shu, W.S.*, 2016. Predicting taxonomic and functional structure of microbial communities in acid mine drainage. The ISME Journal, 10, 1527-1539.

44. Dai, X.K., Zhu, R., Jia, P., Shen, L., Li, S.P., Hua, Z.S., Li, M.G., Li, J.T.*, 2016. Factors governing the naturalization-to-invasion transition of exotic plants in Shenzhen, China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 143, 637-677.

45. Niu, L.Q., Jia, P., Li, S.P., Kuang, J.L., He, X.X., Zhou, W.H., Liao, B., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2015. Slash-and-char: an ancient agricultural technique holds new promise for management of soils contaminated by Cd, Pb and Zn. Environmental Pollution, 205, 333-339.

46. Li, S.P., Cadotte, M.W.*Meiners, S.J., Hua, Z.S., Shu, H.Y., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S.*, 2015. The effects of phylogenetic relatedness on invasion success and impact: deconstructing Darwin’s naturalisation conundrum. Ecology Letters, 18, 1285-1292.

47. Zhang, J., Li, J.T., Huang, Z.B., Yang, B., Zhang, X.J., Li, D.H., Craik, D.J., Baker, A.J.M., Shu, W.S., Liao, B.*, 2015. Transcriptomic screening for cyclotides and other cysteine-rich proteins in the metallophyte Viola baoshanensis. Journal of Plant Physiology, 178, 17-26.

48. Li, S.P.…, Guo, T.…, Cadotte, M.W., Chen, Y.J., Kuang, J.L., Hua, Z.S., Zeng, Y., Song, Y., Liu, Z., Shu, W.S., Li, J.T.*, 2015. Contrasting effects of phylogenetic relatedness on plant invader success in experimental grassland communities. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52, 89-99.

49. Li, J.T., Li, S.P., Chen, Y.J., Jia, P., Hua, Z.S., Wang, S.L., Song, Y.S., Liao, B., Shu, W.S.*, 2014. Phylogenetic structures of soil nematode communities along a successional gradient in an unreclaimed copper mine tailings site. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 77, 179-186.

50. Chen, Y.T.…, Li, J.T.…, Chen, L.X., Hua, Z.S., Huang, L.N., Liu, J., Xu, B.B., Liao, B., Shu, W.S.*, 2014. Biogeochemical processes governing natural pyrite oxidation and release of acid metalliferous drainage. Environmental Science and Technology, 48, 5573-5545.

51. Chen, L.X.…, Li, J.T.…, Chen, Y.T., Huang, L.N., Hua, Z.S., Hu, M., Shu, W.S.*, 2013. Shifts in microbial community composition and function in the acidification of a lead/zinc mine tailings. Environmental Microbiology, 15, 2431-2444.

52. Hu, J.L., Li, J.T., Wu, F.Y., Wu, S.C., Ye, Z.H., Lin, X.G., Wong, M.H.*, 2013. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi induced differential Cd and P phytoavailability via intercropping of upland kangkong (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) with Alfred stonecrop (Sedum alfredii Hance): post-harvest study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20, 8457-8463.

53. Kuang, J.L.…, Huang, L.N.…, Chen, L.X., Hua, Z.S., Li, S.J., Hu, M., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S.*, 2013. Contemporary environmental variation determines microbial diversity patterns in acid mine drainage. The ISME Journal, 7, 1038-1050. (Highlighted by Nature China: http://www.nature.com/nchina/2013/130109/ full/nchina.2012.91.html)

54. Yang, B.…, Mengoni, A.…, Huang, Y.L., He, X.L., Li, J.T., Liao, B., Zhou, M., Shu, W.S.*, 2013. Exploring the pattern of phenotypic and genetic polymorphism in the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. (Chinese brake fern). Plant and Soil, 373, 471-483.

55. Li, J.T., Baker, A.J.M., Ye, Z.H., Wang, H.B., Shu, W.S.*, 2012. Phytoextraction of Cd-contaminated soils: current status and future challenges. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 2113-2152.

56. Zhong, W.L., Li, J.T., Chen, Y.T., Shu, W.S., Liao, B.*, 2012. A study on the effects of lead, cadmium and phosphorus on the lead and cadmium uptake efficacy of Viola baoshanensis inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14, 2497-2504.

57. Ye, M., Liao, B., Li, J.T., Mengoni, A., Hu, M., Luo, W.C., Shu, W.S.*, 2012. Contrasting patterns of genetic divergence in two sympatric pseudo-metallophytes: Rumex acetosa L. and Commelina communis L. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12, 84.

58. Yu, L.J.…, Luo, Y.F.…, Liao, B., Xie, L.J., Chen, L., Xiao, S., Li, J.T., Hu, S.N.*, Shu, W.S.*, 2012. Comparative transcriptome analysis of transporters, phytohormone and lipid metabolism pathways in response to arsenic stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.). New Phytologist, 195, 97-112.

58. Li, S.P.…, Li, J.T.…, Kuang, J.L., Duan, H.N., Zeng, Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2012. Effects of species richness on cadmium removal efficiencies of algal microcosms. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49, 261-267.

60. Liu, W.Q., Song, Y.S., Wang, B., Li, J.T., Shu, W.S.*, 2012. Nitrogen fixation in biotic crusts and vascular plant communities on a copper mine tailings. European Journal of Soil Biology, 50, 15-20.

61. Yang, S.X., Li, J.T., Yang, B., Liao, B., Zhang, J.T., Shu, W.S.*, 2011. Effectiveness of amendments on re-acidification and heavy metal immobilization in an extremely acidic mine soil. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 1876-1883. (Selected as a cover article: http://blogs.rsc.org/ em/2011/07/)

62. Dai, Z.Y., Shu, W.S., Liao, B., Wan, C.Y., Li, J.T.*, 2011. Intraspecific variation in cadmium tolerance and accumulation of a high-biomass tropical tree Averrhoa carambola L.: implication for phytoextraction. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 1723-1729.

63. Jiang, H., Fan, Q., Li, J.T., Shi, S., Li, S.P., Liao, W.B., Shu, W.S.*, 2011. Naturalization of alien plants in China. Biodiversity and Conservation, 20, 1545-1556.

64. Li, J.T., Liao, B., Zhu, R., Dai, Z.Y., Lan, C.Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2011. Characteristics of Cd uptake, translocation and accumulation in a novel Cd-accumulating tree, star fruit (Averrhoa carambola L., Oxalidaceae). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 71, 352-358.

65. Li, J.T.…, Duan, H.N.…, Li, S.P., Kuang, J.L., Zeng, Y., Shu, W.S.*, 2010. Cadmium pollution triggers a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship evidence from a laboratory microcosm experiment. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47, 890-898. (Selected as Editor’s Choice Paper: http://www.journalofappliedecology.org/ view/0/editorschoice474.html)

66. Li, J.T., Liao, B., Lan, C.Y., Ye, Z.H., Baker, A.J.M., Shu, W.S.*, 2010. Cadmium tolerance and accumulation in cultivars of a high-biomass tropical tree (Averrhoa carambola) and its potential for phytoextraction. Journal of Environmental Quality, 39, 1261-1268.

67. Li, J.T., Deng, D.M., Peng, G.T., Deng, J.C., Zhang, J., Liao, B.*, 2010. Successful micropropagation of the cadmium hyperaccumulator Viola baoshanensis (Violaceae). International Journal of Phytoremediation, 12, 761-771.

68. Wu, C., Liao, B., Wang S.L., Zhang, J., Li, J.T.*, 2010. Pb and Zn accumulation in a Cd-hyperaccumulator (Viola baoshanensis). International Journal of Phytoremediation, 12, 574-585.

69. Yang, S.X., Liao, B., Li, J.T., Guo, T., Shu, W.S.*, 2010. Acidification, heavy metal mobility and nutrient accumulation in the soil-plant system of a revegetated acid mine wasteland. Chemosphere, 80, 852-859.

70. Li, J.T., Liao, B., Dai, Z.Y., Zhu, R., Shu, W.S.*, 2009. Phytoextraction of Cd-contaminated soil by carambola (Averrhoa carambola) in field trials. Chemosphere, 76, 1233-1239.

71. Ye, M., Li, J.T., Tian, S.N., Hu, M., Yi, S., Liao, B.*, 2009. Biogechemical studies of metallophytes from four copper-enriched sites along the Yangtze River, China. Environmental Geology, 56, 1313-1322.

72. Zhang, J., Hu, M., Li, J.T., Guan, J.P., Yang, B., Shu, W.S.*, Liao, B.*, 2009. A transcriptional profile of metallophyte Viola baoshanensis involved in general and species-specific cadmium-defense mechanisms. Journal of Plant Physiology, 166, 862-870.

73. Zhang, J., Liao, B., Craik, D.J., Li, J.T., Hu, M., Shu, W.S.*, 2009. Identification of two suites of cyclotide precursor genes from metallophyte Viola baoshanensis: cDNA sequence variation, alternative RNA splicing and potential cyclotide diversity. Gene, 431, 23-32.

74. Zhuang, P.*, Shu, W.S., Li, Z.A., Liao, B., Li, J.T., Shao, J.S., 2009. Removal of metals by sorghum plants from contaminated land. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21, 1432-1437.

75. Deng, D.M., Deng, J.C., Li, J.T., Zhang, J., Hu, M., Lin, Z., Liao, B.*, 2008. Accumulation of zinc, cadmium, and lead in four populations of Sedum alfredii Hance growing on lead/zinc mine spoils: field investigation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 50, 691-698.

76. Li, J.T., Liao, B., Lan, C.Y., Qiu, J.W., Shu, W.S.*, 2007. Zinc, nickel and cadmium in carambolas marketed in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, China: implication for human health. Science of the Total Environment, 388, 405-412.

77. Li, J.T., Qiu, J.W., Wang, X.W., Zhong, Y., Lan, C.Y.*, Shu, W.S.*, 2006. Cadmium contamination in orchard soils and fruit trees and its potential health risk in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Pollution, 146, 159-165.

78. 刘深妍, 李凤麟, 鲁静丽, 冯世伟, 吴卓慧, 梁洁良, 贾璞*, 李金天, 2022. 我国主要有色金属矿区周边农田土壤酶活性及影响因素. 农业环境科学学报, 41 (12), 2792-2804.

79. 谢育杭…, 贾璞…, 郑修坛, 李金天, 束文圣, 王宇涛*, 2022. 驯化对作物微生物组多样性和群落结构的影响及作用途径. 植物生态学报, 46 (3), 249-266.

80. 熊天…, 梁洁良…, 李金天, 束文圣, 王宇涛*, 2021. 丛枝菌根真菌数个种的基因组和转录组研究概况. 微生物学报, 61 (11), 3413-3430.

81. 张堃, 徐颖, 周媛, 黄华枝, 廖俊杰, 李林, 朱永闯, 廖斌, 梁洁良*, 李金天, 2021. 砷尾矿污染土壤的细菌群落结构多样性及其相关环境影响因子分析. 生态环境学报, 30 (2), 391-399.

82. 张堃, 周媛, 黄华枝, 廖俊杰, 朱永闯, 李湘伟, 李林, 黄伟忠, 房保柱, 李文均, 李金天*, 廖斌*, 2021. 厌氧砷还原细菌(Clostridium sp. ZY1)分离鉴定及基因组分析. 微生物学杂志, 41 (2), 27-36.





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